LFA Behind The Scenes - Meet Phoebe



Say hi to Phoebe - the newest addition to the LFA family! Read on to find out more about our PR Assistant’s best discovery and her hidden talents.

What’s your feel-good song (s)?

I love cheesy songs that get everyone singing. ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ and ‘Dancing Queen’ are classic feel good tunes. My music taste is so varied. I love bands like Arctic Monkeys but then I could also listen to the Hamilton soundtrack all day! I’m seeing Hamilton for the first time in August which I’m so excited for. 

Best piece of advice you’ve been given?

I don’t know where I heard this, but ‘if something doesn’t matter in 5 years then there is no point stressing about it for more than 5 minutes.’

You can only watch one film for the rest of your life. What is it?

I love Notting Hill! I’m not sure I could ever get bored of that film. I love rom-coms so much, especially the ones with Hugh Grant in! 

What’s the best discovery you’ve ever made?

The ‘Dog Spotting' group on Facebook! I don’t use Facebook that much but I love how my newsfeed is just filled with dogs from the group. You can never see too many cute dogs in my opinion. 

Something you want to achieve in the next year?

I’ll be in my second year of university, so I’d like to try and get a first, but I also want to enjoy myself as much as I can. I’d also like to get better at cooking because I’m pretty awful at that. Hopefully I can finally branch out from pasta! 

Any hidden talents?

I used to be good at poetry recitals when I was much younger but I don’t think I would be now. More recently I have developed a knack for always getting a seat on the train, if that can be considered a talent?

Favourite spot in London and why?

I’m not sure I know London well enough to say! I live outside of the city so I only know the tourist spots really well. My friends and I often go to Kings Road, which is such a lovely part of the city as it’s a bit quieter. Though I seem to spend most of my time at Kings Cross Station travelling across the country! 

Dogs or cats?

Definitely dogs! Cats just don’t seem quite as friendly.

Summer holiday plans?

I’ll be seeing quite a lot of sun this year which is always good! I’m visiting Madrid a couple of times as my parents are living out there and then I’m going to Portugal with my boyfriend in September. 

What are you having for dinner tonight?

I’m supposed to be meeting some friends for drinks, so will probably grab something quick and easy en route so that I can meet them on time. 

Follow Phoebe on: @phoebe_eyles

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