LFA Behind The Scenes – Meet Cecilie



Cecilie is a native Scandi and crisps enthusiast. She's a dedicated member of Dog Spotting on Facebook but when not browsing for pooches, you'll find her in the pub or by the seaside.

What do you put on your toast?

Cheese (no butter) or cured meat! It's never too early for cured meat. Never. 

What’s your feel-good song?

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off. 

Ask your best friend to describe you in 3 words:

"Quietly driven, positive and beautiful inside & out."

You can only watch one film for the rest of your life. What is it?

Mrs. Doubtfire

What’s the best discovery you’ve ever made?


What’s your favourite smell?

I know it’s a boring answer, but it has to be coffee!

What would you tell your 15-year-old self?

Stop worrying so much.

What are you having for dinner tonight?

You'll have to ask my boyfriend. He does all the cooking. 

Follow me on: @cecilie0lsen